Studio Headshot with outdoor backgrounds in post production composite work

Backdrop Composite

Studio headshots get organic backdrops through image-composite techniques. It can eliminate weather and logistical issues.

If you want to shoot in the studio but want to have a backdrop a bit more interesting than a solid color, consider a composite headshot. We can shoot your headshot in the studio and swap the background with another image.

Shooting headshots on location can be a significant challenge. Between November and May, the wind is cold and strong, making people look annoyed and blink too much. June through August gets unpredictable thunderstorms, high humidity and intense sunlight that makes people squint except for a brief window of time around sunset. Also, if you have a tight, rigid schedule that has little room to work with the weather or other unpredictable factors, that’s another reason for this option.

Swapping backdrop in headshots requires three things: (1) an image suitable as the background, (2) shooting your headshot in the studio with the lighting matched to that in the background context, (3) replacing the background using software made for this purpose. These requirements are usually complicated enough and reserved for large-budget projects like advertising photography. However, BEAUPIX brings this technique for headshots audience in a highly efficient at a reasonable cost, especially for simple corporate style or publicity headshot.

Background images

Examples shown in the gallery were made with images available in the studio. Some people use images that the rest of their company uses for the unified look. Some people buy one that matches their professional role from a stock agency.

The background image can also be your handwritten notes, artwork, or other items related to your creative field.


The background swap work can be included in the usual light retouching work starting at 200/image. The retouching fees are in addition to the studio headshot prices (base package price). Fees for more complex cases than simple headshots are determined for the complexity.

We do not recommend background swap for online dating profile photography.

Sample Work Gallery

Click on the first thumbnail below to start a full-screen gallery. Use left/right arrow keys to navigate or swipe on iPad screen. To return, click on the (x) button in the lower left corner, or hit an ESC key.